Thursday, January 19, 2012

Daniel Fast - Day 15

Still at 271, BP is 100/64. Past the 2/3 mark last night. We had whole wheat spaghetti with home made tomato sauce for supper. Stir-fry and spaghetti have been the main-stays of this Daniel Fast for us.

Shoveled snow last night; this morning is 30 degrees colder (-9),so I'm glad we got that done before the cold front moved through. But as much as shoveling warmed me up, it did showcase just how out of shape I have become over the last 6 months. Too much sedentary living!

Church service last night was a prayer service; it was a good time of spiritual communion that I am grateful for.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Daniel Fast - Day 12

This morning's weight was 271, bp 94/72. We've gotten pretty much accustomed to the additional meal-prep time and clean-up, but since it has been tradition for the past 16 years to go out to eat after church on Sunday, this business of eating at home has been at least as big a shift as the American-to-vegan diet shift.

Note to self: Leave the nasty spinach out of the spaghetti sauce. It overwhelms the flavor of the tomatoes and makes the sauce turn a very unappetizing color.

Sundays, Pastor Todd has been talking about the role of the church. Last night's service was about the difference between what God has done IN us versus what God has done THROUGH us. He also said that if all of our prayers had been answered exactly as we prayed them last year, our families (and ourselves) would be much better off - but hardly anyone else would. That's probably true, and very convicting. We were not put here to flourish while everyone else fades; we were put here for a higher purpose.

This morning was the weekly Men's Prayer Breakfast. The boys and I went to prayer, but ditched the rest of the group for the breakfast part so that we could better adhere to the Daniel Fast thing. It has had some benefits other than the usual weight and BP that I've been documenting along the way - I do feel more spiritually attuned, and more convicted of the things that I know I need to change. And more willing to change. The "what" I know; it is the "how" that I am grappling with now.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Daniel Fast - Day 9

Up a bit today at 273.4, but the blood pressure is good - 94/73. My pulse is 76, an indication that I am very out of shape... Note to self - Do something about that!

Supper last night was chilli and Triscuits, then we did the grocery shopping for the week. Again, spent about $180 for family groceries - normal week is between $120 and $150 for us. So veggies are a little more spendy. And, since the supper last night didn't stick to the ribs quite enough, we had popcorn after the shopping.

I've been reading Dinesh D'Souza's "What's so great about Christianity?" this week - very good read, including a lot of history of religions and it addresses a lot of the issues that people bring up to argue against practicing the Christian 'religion'. Well worth the time invested.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Daniel Fast - Day 8

Yesterday, I was 274; today I am 272. I'm liking this weight loss. BP is 116/38.

Last night, we had whole-wheat spaghetti with sauce made from tomatoes pureed in the blender with mushrooms, onions, and spices. Add a side of cooked carrots and a salad, and we had a regular meal. Unfortunately, it didn't last - by the time church was over, we were all hungry again. So popcorn filled in the hollow spots. Breakfast is mostly oatmeal and fruit; lunch has been salads and leftovers - not sure what today's lunch will bring, because we didn't leave anything last night!

So far, I have been documenting mostly the health benefits of this diet - strict vegetarian and then some. But the real purpose of the Daniel Fast is to draw closer to God - and that is happening, too. Last night's service was a prayer service, rather than the usual Wednesday night bible study. It was a pretty awesome time, feeling closer to God than I have for a long time. And this is a good thing.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Daniel Fast - Day 6

This is why I never made it big as a blogger: Irregularity. Nothing to do with intestinal function, everything to do with not getting to this blog consistently.
Saturday stats: 275.4, BP 109/74
Sunday stats: 274.2, PB 112/77
Monday traveling
Tuesday - 274.4, 105/74

Sunday morning service was very good - Pastor Todd spoke of the difference between what Church should be and how we commonly perceive it. It was originally people-centric; we most commonly think of it today as an organization, a schedule, ritual attendance, and a physical location. Let's go back to thinking of it as people who have a relationship with God. The altar service was amazing; the spiritual implications of this Daniel Fast thing are starting to be very noticeable.

Yes, I know - it's not a "fast" if you're still eating. But "strict vegetarian for three weeks while you focus on the things of God" takes too long to repeat every time.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Daniel Fast - Day 2

After my last post, we had a snack of popcorn, with a bit of olive oil stirred in so that the salt would stick. Different taste, but very addicting. My lips are still 'tight' from OD-ing on salt.

Last night's supper was corn, beans, and re-heated baked potato. Pretty good, but we were feeling sort of put upon. Then Eric came home from work on his supper break, bringing baked Tostitos 'scoops' chips. After checking the ingredients on those and the salsa, we indulged, and I quit feeling quite so deprived.

I went shopping last night. I took Ryan with me since my darling wife (and primary grocery shopper!) was home in bed, feeling yucky. We spent about $50 more than the usual shopping trip, but we were stocking up on "Daniel Fast-Friendly" foods, so it was to be expected that we'd spend a bit more than usual.

We bought some 'experimental' stuff like Star Fruit, but mostly loaded up on veggies and fruit. This morning's breakfast was oatmeal again, but with blueberries, raisins, and bananas in it, and I used almond milk rather than fruit juice. Pretty tasty!
Stats: 277.2, 112/74 with a pulse of 71. I got a pretty good night's sleep last night, even though the alarm clock caught me on the wrong end of the sleep cycle. And my Sweetie is feeling much better than she has been, so things are looking up.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Daniel Fast - Day 1

This morning, I was up .6 pounds - before starting any Daniel-Fast-like behaviors. BP was 102/76, pulse 76, so insignificantly better than yesterday. All within normal variations.

Breakfast was raw oatmeal (I don't ever cook it...), but with fruit juice rather than milk. Not awful, but not what the tongue was expecting. Snacked on a few mixed nuts. Since my darling wife is battling "that thing that is going around", I offered to get lunch for us and the boys. Thursday is our routine shopping day, the fridge is characteristically empty today. Trying to find a Vegan meal when the house is empty proved to be a bit of a challenge. I found some tomatoes and a bag of salad - I located the olive oil and some white vinegar, mixed the two and added some pepper, minced onion, and something labeled "Italian spices" - details unknown. Made an acceptable oil&vinegar dressing. Added some Jalapenos to my own salad - not wise. But other than being a bit too spicy, it was OK.

Tonight, we shop for more veggies.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Daniel Fast - Day 0

I know that reading about someone's diet is as interesting as watching paint dry - but I feel compelled to do this for my own selfish reasons.
Tonight at 7:00 is the kick-off service for the church-wide Daniel Fast at Apostolic Faith Church in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. The Daniel Fast is based on Daniel's three-week fast in the first few verses of Daniel Chapter 10. His fast ended on "the four and twentieth day of the first month" - which I assume is why Pastor Trapani selected the 4th through the 24th of January as the three weeks for this fast.

This morning, I weighed in at 277.6. My blood pressure was 111/82, and my pulse 80. I'm planning to keep track of the weight an the BP simply to document the physical benefits of this fast - but the more important aspect is the spiritual, which I will also report. And if I'm the only one who ever reads this, I guess that's fine.

There is one particular wherein I will not mimic Daniel in this, however. Daniel also refrained from personal hygiene for three weeks - that is, he did not anoint himself at all. I plan on bathing regularly... and you're welcome.