Monday, January 16, 2012

Daniel Fast - Day 12

This morning's weight was 271, bp 94/72. We've gotten pretty much accustomed to the additional meal-prep time and clean-up, but since it has been tradition for the past 16 years to go out to eat after church on Sunday, this business of eating at home has been at least as big a shift as the American-to-vegan diet shift.

Note to self: Leave the nasty spinach out of the spaghetti sauce. It overwhelms the flavor of the tomatoes and makes the sauce turn a very unappetizing color.

Sundays, Pastor Todd has been talking about the role of the church. Last night's service was about the difference between what God has done IN us versus what God has done THROUGH us. He also said that if all of our prayers had been answered exactly as we prayed them last year, our families (and ourselves) would be much better off - but hardly anyone else would. That's probably true, and very convicting. We were not put here to flourish while everyone else fades; we were put here for a higher purpose.

This morning was the weekly Men's Prayer Breakfast. The boys and I went to prayer, but ditched the rest of the group for the breakfast part so that we could better adhere to the Daniel Fast thing. It has had some benefits other than the usual weight and BP that I've been documenting along the way - I do feel more spiritually attuned, and more convicted of the things that I know I need to change. And more willing to change. The "what" I know; it is the "how" that I am grappling with now.

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